Key dates
Foundation and first steps
Horacio was founded in 2008 by Christophe Leroy, Fabien Gil and Sylvain Toaldo, inspired by a trip to Costa Rica. Passionate about cigars, the three friends decided to share their passion by launching the initial production of their cigars in this country. It was here that they began to explore and refine their art.
<h3>Foundation and first steps</h3> Horacio was founded in 2008 by Christophe Leroy, Fabien Gil and Sylvain Toaldo, inspired by a trip to Costa Rica. Passionate about cigars, the three friends decided to share their passion by launching the initial production of their cigars in this country. It was here that they began to explore and refine their art.
First exports to France
The first Horacio cigars are distributed in France, becoming increasingly well-known and sought-after. The exceptional quality of Horacio cigars is rapidly recognized, and the brand gains notoriety, winning over aficionados and establishing a solid reputation in the cigar world. In 2016, the brand will be fully recognized in France.
<h3>First exports to France</h3> The first Horacio cigars are distributed in France, becoming increasingly well-known and sought-after. The exceptional quality of Horacio cigars is rapidly recognized, and the brand gains notoriety, winning over aficionados and establishing a solid reputation in the cigar world. In 2016, the brand will be fully recognized in France.
Transition to Estelí, Nicaragua
In 2013, in search of excellence and better resources, Horacio moved production to Estelí, Nicaragua. This region, renowned for its quality tobaccos and exceptional know-how, becomes Horacio’s new production center. Here, they develop a unique liga that reflects their commitment to excellence. Christophe Leroy and Fabien Gil personally supervise the quality of vitolas produced in Estelí, guaranteeing impeccable production.
<h3>Transition to Estelí, Nicaragua</h3> In 2013, in search of excellence and better resources, Horacio moved production to Estelí, Nicaragua. This region, renowned for its quality tobaccos and exceptional know-how, becomes Horacio's new production center. Here, they develop a unique liga that reflects their commitment to excellence. Christophe Leroy and Fabien Gil personally supervise the quality of vitolas produced in Estelí, guaranteeing impeccable production.
Brand evolution
In 2013, the brand adopts a new name, changing from “Don Horacio del Monte” to “Horacio”. This simplification reflects a strategic evolution, aimed at strengthening the brand’s identity and recognition.
International development
In 2014, international expansion takes off. Sylvain Toaldo, based in Switzerland, develops and distributes the brand worldwide via Horacio Distribution, based in Geneva. The brand begins to make a name for itself on international markets.
Factory expansion
In 2019, faced with growing demand, Horacio’s factory expands significantly, going from 10 to 40 torcedores (cigar rollers). This expansion will increase production while maintaining high quality standards. Today, the factory employs 65 cigar rollers, further enhancing its production capacity.
<h3>Factory expansion</h3> In 2019, faced with growing demand, Horacio's factory expands significantly, going from 10 to 40 torcedores (cigar rollers). This expansion will increase production while maintaining high quality standards. Today, the factory employs 65 cigar rollers, further enhancing its production capacity.
In 2023, the Horacio H1 cigar from the Classic series is awarded Cigar of the Year by the renowned Cigaroscope, consolidating the brand’s reputation as a must-have in the cigar industry.
Global expansion
In 2024, Horacio continues its international expansion and is now distributed in over 70 countries, affirming its presence and influence in the world of premium cigars.
Constant innovation
Constant innovation
Horacio is constantly innovating to meet the expectations of cigar aficionados. The brand regularly creates new products, maintaining constant excellence and adapting to the evolving preferences of aficionados.
Premium Hand Rolled Cigars